Applying for a home?
Learn How to ApplyStrategic Priorities to 2025
Maintain homes to a high standard
- Deliver consistently high-quality response maintenance services
- Tenants gain more control over repairs, especially through technology
- Invest in creating beautiful environments that help tenants thrive
Provide exemplary housing and support services
- Provide sheltered tenants with effective housing support to help them thrive
- Improve efficiency of re-lets process to maximise occupancy and income
- Pioneer new and more financially viable ways of providing housing support
Build beautiful homes
- Meet ambitious new build targets of at least 220 new homes over five years
- Build variety of homes to meet wide range of needs and increase surpluses
- Pioneer a new generation of ‘HAPPI’ homes for older people
Deliver social and environmental change
- Develop asset management strategy outlining a path to ‘Net Zero’
- Procure for social value as well as cost and quality
- Help limit and mitigate climate change, and support nature across our estate
Run our business effectively
- Review pay, conditions, and hybrid working so we are an attractive employer
- Streamline governance processes to ensure effective strategic leadership
- ‘Tell our story’ and advocate for older people, high quality housing and support